Virtual 1:1 coaching sessions nationwide
In person coaching sessions in Charlotte, North Carolina
Are you struggling to take the next step? Do you want some guidance and accountability in your life?
You know you can do more. You’re feeling lost and adrift, frustrated with your lack of progress. Maybe you have a goal in mind or maybe your goal is to create a goal. You just know you’re ready to step out of stagnation.
Whatever you’re feeling, you’re noticing it having an impact in your life.
You’re ready to tackle life with focus and motivation, having a clear idea of what you want and feeling confident you have the skills, smarts, and strength to navigate the journey towards those goals. It may feel impossible now, but you can find the motivation. You can build your toolbox to tackle your plans, goals, and future. And I can help you get there.
My coaching technique will help you identify the barriers that are keeping you stagnant and develop insights around the behaviors that contribute to your “stuckness”. We will craft short and long term goals, develop personalized strategies that translate into your real life and help you achieve those goals. We will also create an accountability plan to keep you on track and building momentum.
Types of Coaching
Parent Coaching
As a child and teen therapist, I spent years and years working with parents to help them navigate the complexities of parenthood. I have collected a number of insights, strategies, and resources to help you feel prepared and supported as you navigate each unique stage of your child’s development.
Life Coaching
You need an accountability partner. One that can help you identify and work towards your goals. Whether that’s a career or relationship goal or something totally unique, I’m here to help. Having me in your corner is getting the coach, teammate, and cheerleader all in one.
Burnout and Executive Coaching
This coaching isn’t for the faint of heart. You’re burnt out and navigating a stressful life. You know you’re headed towards or already in the midst of a burnout and you just don’t know how to escape. I’m here to walk along side of you, identifying and managing the sources of stress and burnout. You don’t have to do it alone anymore.
It’s time to find joy again.
I’ll help through this process, tailoring each step to your unique needs and circumstances. My approach to coaching comes from a place of hope and understanding : you are not doomed to feel like this forever. You simply need some support as you learn new ways of achieving your goals.